Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blog business cards: Networking your blog

They are almost universally found at marketing and networking events. Business people hand out dozens of their business cards every day.

Business cards have long a staple marketing tool of the business community.

You probably hand out handfuls of business cards, and receive even more back, each and every day.

One of the major exceptions to the business card rule appears to be bloggers.

Bloggers of all types, and especially business bloggers, don’t use business cards.

Since a business blog is a powerful marketing tool for your business, it makes perfect sense to have business cards that feature your blog and its URL. After all, when you mention your blog to prospective customers and clients, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to find your daily posts.

You would always include your website URL and e-mail address, along with your phone number, fax number, cell phone number, and street address, on your business cards.


Why not include your blog URL too!

It’s essential that your blog URL be featured prominently on your regular business cards. If you don’t have a regular business card, have some cards printed specifically for your blog alone.

Derek Andrews of Marketing Mania makes a powerful suggestion for blog business cards.

Derek says about business cards for your blog:
Why not just use your regular business cards and let visitors follow the links on you website? Well, that would work to a point. But how many people will bother visiting your website? After all, it’s just another website competing with millions of others for attention. Unless you give people a darned good reason for doing so, it will probably go unseen.

One of the advantages of having business cards for your blog is how they establish you and your blog as being serious about your topic. Whether you blog about business, politics, sports, or your personal life, what you say is important.

You want your blog considered the same way by others.

Instead of your blog being treated as a lark, it will be treated as a real online business website. Because there is still so much misunderstanding out there, about the nature of blogs, it’s imperative that your blog be treated as a business.

Get some business cards printed up that feature your blog URL.

If you already have business cards, have your blog URL added to your next batch of business cards. Don’t depend on the visitor clicking a link from your static website to your blog page. That event might never take place.

Instead of leaving your blog off the business card, place the blog URL front and centre on every card you use in your business. After all, the business blog is intended to build a strong customer relationship through conversation.

Whenever you attend any networking event, large or small, take a stack of business cards with you.

Hand them out freely, as you would links to interesting blog posts. Business cards aren’t there to be hoarded.

They are for sharing with others.

Business cards are not for saving for a rainy day. When your supply runs out, print some more. They are very cheap advertising.

You do want more blog readers and customers, I would think.

Let business cards help you achieve that goal.

The lowly blog business card could boost your bottom line.

Now, that happy result should get your attention!


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Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

Check out Blog Business World for yourself.

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