Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blog Awards for the Underappreciated

More blogging awards are on the way.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the blogging community, my friend Darren Rowse of the superlative Pro Blogger, has announced his third annual Business Underblogger Awards.

The 2005 Business Blogging Awards are now over, and were even important enough to create enough controversy to earn a column on the widely read CBS MarketWatch (free membership required for the entire article).

The article, written by Frank Barnako, says the Awards nominees and winners were all unknowns.

We business blogs aren’t entirely unknown now though!

In their wake, arrives the Underblogger Awards, designed to provided recognition to underappreciated blogs.

The many new and fast rising business blogs are not as well known as the high profile political and technology blogs.

That situation, however, is changing rapidly.

In fact, all types of blogs are becoming better known online, both to other bloggers and to the mainstream internet community. Offline, people are becoming much more aware of blogs as well.

It’s taken awhile for business blogs to become recognized for their many benefits.

As long time business blog readers and users are already aware, business blogs offer powerful advantages in building customer relationships, marketing, public relations, customer service, and search engine optimization or SEO. The list goes on.

In the meantime, many tremendous, and highly informative business blogs failed to capture the attention of the mainstream media.

That is no longer the case.

Whether critics of The Business Blogging Awards care to acknowledge it or not, business blog profiles are rising. Name recognition is growing, and companies everywhere are jumping onto the business blog bandwagon.

Still, many highly deserving business blogging gems lay well hidden from the official mainstream media seal of approval.

Enter the 2005 Business Underblogger Awards.

If you know of a business blog or five that deserves recognition, an award, and a very cool logo to add to their blog, get thee over to Pro Blogger and nominate your favourite business blogs as Underblogger.

Oh, and be sure to check out this cool logo:

Now who wouldn’t want that dude standing watch on their blog!?!

Be sure to get those Underblogger business blog nominations in, before nominations close at the end of March.

Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

Check out Blog Business World for yourself.

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