Saturday, October 5, 2024

Bill Gates Has Eventful Presentation At CES

At the Consumer Electronics Show, an event where the big technology companies show off their upcoming wares, Bill Gates was there to deliver the first keynote speech and highlight future Microsoft products.

Microsoft Logo However, the speech given by Gates did not go as smoothly as planned. It seems that his presentation fell victim to the dreaded Blue Screen Of Death. During an Xbox demonstration, his presentation crashed, leaving only the infamous Windows blue screen. This was not the only technical glitch to affect the CEO’s presentation, either. During the portion of his speech that focused on the Microsoft Media Center the slide show wouldn’t launch; although this minor setback did not stop Microsoft and Gates from introducing some new concepts for the upcoming year.

One of the upcoming innovations that TiVo is eyeing is an agreement with Microsoft for the upcoming TiVoToGo. The partnership will allow members of TiVo’s new mobile service to upload recorded programs to Windows XP PCs. John O’Rourke, senior director of Consumer Strategy for Microsoft, shared the idea behind the MS/TiVo partnership:

“With the TiVo partnership, you’ll be able to unleash the programming stored on your TiVo. You can bring your favorite TV shows on the plane or give the latest episode of ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ to your kids in the back seat of the car.”

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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