Thursday, September 19, 2024

Big Dollar Affiliate Marketing

How many choices are you giving your subscribers? The answer may just mean the difference between your success and failure online.

For instance, among my tens of thousands of subscribers, I have people from dozens of countries, a myriad of economic situations, all races and creeds. It is a very diverse group.

Your own subscribers and visitors will be much the same–a very diverse group.

How can you maximize the income you receive from your subs and visitors? Simple, make a variety of offers…

1. Offer them products at EVERY price point.

Over the course of a few months, make offers to your list varying from $0 to $5,000. If you have done a good job building your own reputation with your list, you will see sales at every price point. In one promotion we did last year a product we sold at $12.95 made us virtually the same profit as one we offered at $97.

2. Offer them products they ASK for.

Each time you make a promotion to your list, ask them for their input. This is INVALUABLE in finding out what things they will buy. Also look at what they have purchased in the past–offer the same people similar products.

3. Offer them products with WIDESPREAD appeal.

Don’t necessarily limit yourself to offers clearly targeted to your list–make some offers that appeal to everyone as well. While this should not be the thrust of your site or newsletter, an occasional offer with general appeal can get you sales you might never see otherwise.

4. Offer your competitors products.

While you have to be cautious here, this can be a real plus. There are people on your list who trust you when you make a recommendation–unless you are telling them about your own product. When you recommend a virtually identical product offered by one of your competitors, they will often act on it–and you get a commission.

These are just a couple ideas for maximizing affiliate commissions. For more ideas, check out this free report:

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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