Friday, September 20, 2024

Best Selling Authors Know Promotion!

Everybody wants to be a bestselling author. They hear about them and may even read their books, however although there is thought to be a secret to getting your book noticed and on some of today’s best selling lists, there really isn’t.

Anybody can be a best selling author. The problem with authors is that they want overnight success or success with a limited amount of work on their part. Here are two interesting tips:

#1. Nobody is an overnight success. The author we claim is an overnight success most certainly has been toiling behind the scenes trying to get noticed–and they finally did!

#2. Best selling authors work hard, plain and simple. You cannot expect a single email to your mother, cousin in Texas and your sister in Georgia to start a buzz that will keep working for years to come. It honestly takes more than that to be a best selling author.

The pressing questions is then, “When should I start promoting?” Answer: As soon as you know that you have a book coming!

This of course, can be the minute you start writing it or when it is sent off to the printer. Your book can be in the editors hands and come back full of typos that you have to input manually but the last thing that you want to do is wait until the boxes are delivered to your home to figure out how to move them.

Readers enjoy excerpts and following along with a writers progress. Don’t believe that you need a finished book to get a readers attention. PROMOTE EVERYDAY! EVERYWHERE! Even before you have a book.

Proper Promotion does the following:

-Increases book sales
-Broadens your readership base
-Breaks you into unseen territory
-Gives a second life to your novel or non-fiction title
-Helps you reach more bookstores and more much…

My novel Fever (ISBN:1583142614) made it onto two best seller lists when it was released in January, 2003. Emails from curious authors followed. I now share my promotion techniques in an affordable online email-based promotion course for writers.

One budding authors who took my most recent course states:

“The information your class offers is platinum!” — Cherlyn Michaels, Author of Counting Raindrops through a Stained Glass Window

I enjoy teaching authors how to increase their sales and their readerships base and I can also teach you how to accept credit cards without having a merchant account. You don’t have years to waste trying to figure out how to promote your book(s) the right way.

Register today and join the ranks of best selling author by getting “YOUR” book on the bestseller lists right out the gate. Then you can simply let the readers do what they do best…read.

Linda Dominique Grosvenor is the Best Selling author of several
novels including BLOOM, FEVER and LIKE BOOGIE ON
TUESDAY (that is now in its 3rd printing). She is affectionately
known as the Princess of Guerrilla Marketing. You can get more
information on her affordable book promotion seminars at:

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