Monday, September 16, 2024

Behavioral and On Site Targeting Factors

Behavioral Targeting is the ability to target users based on their behavior on your website (this is one form known as on-site targeting). The concept of behavioral/on site targeting is exactly how business should be done: offer a customized solution to your end users so that they are truly engaged with your website.

While at ad:Tech Chicago I heard Phillip Suchet of Kefta provide some excellent reasons why behavioral targeting is becoming absolutely essential:

  • Acquisition costs are rising and conversion rates are decreasing
  • The power switch from Push to Pull Marketing
  • The change from mass marketing to personalized marketing

There are so many factors to consider when behaviorally targeting users – so which ones should you consider? The factors and metrics are completely site specific, however below are a few factors that you should consider when developing profiles for your various visitor segments:

  • Referring Sites
  • Referring Keywords
  • Internal Search Queries
  • Pages Viewed (type/category of content)
  • Preferred method of communication: Email vs. Phone vs. Webinar
  • Purchase Patterns based on seasonality
  • Demographics: Age, Sex, Education, House Hold Income, Marital Status
  • Recency
  • Frequency
  • Products added to cart
  • Time Zone
  • Time of Day on website
  • Offline Influencers: TV/Radio/Magazines

Resources for Behavioral/On Site Targeting:

– Omniture TouchClarity

– WebTrends Marketing Lab 2


– Anil Batra: Behavioral Targeting 101


– Clickz: Target Behavior on the Site Level

– Avinash Kaushik: The Promise & Challenge of Behavior Targeting (& Two Prerequisites)



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