Thursday, September 19, 2024

Becoming a Multi-Dimensional Blogger

Robert’s latest Corporate Blog Tip (#10) is simple but well worth taking note of (quote forthcoming)… He goes on to suggest a few ways to add another dimension to your blogging including podcasting, video blogs, hosting dinners, attending industry events etc.

Robert’s quote:

If the only way people know you is through your blog you’ll be seen as a pretty one-dimensional person.

Blogging does have lots of advantages: lots of people can get to know you with a minimal amount of effort. But, when push comes to shove it’s not a way to build a really deep relationship.

There’s a reason why conferences are still very well attended: meeting someone face-to-face still is better than meeting them through a grid of pixels on the screen’

He goes on to suggest a few ways to add another dimension to your blogging including podcasting, video blogs, hosting dinners, attending industry events etc.

I totally agree with what he’s saying.

I have a suspicion that the more places that your readers bump into you that the more chance you’ll have of making a good impression upon them and showing them that you’re multidimensional and no ordinary blogger.

An example of this is the numerous comments I’ve gotten from readers since starting to allow some of my posts to be republished at Murdok. Whilst I don’t get a lot of direct traffic from it, having my posts appear on another reasonably well respected and trafficked site puts my name, face (via a photo) and content in front of more people. Not only is it new people – but sometimes its the same people that see me here – which just reinforces my message.

I know a number of readers who became regular readers of my blog when they realized I was also a regular on Murdok. The same story is true after the last article that I featured in on my blogging in a newspaper. People who had previously seen my blog and had never returned came back for a second look (and stayed as regulars) after seeing the article.

So I echo Robert’s thoughts – let yourself enter new and even unexpected spheres.

Like he says this might include conferences or meeting people face to face, but it also might be as simple as a new blog, guest blogging for someone, writing a book or email newsletter, accepting an interview opportunity or letting some of your posts appear on another site from time to time. The more places you show up (in real life and online) the more chances you have to reinforce who you are to potential readers.

Reader Comments…

Darren Rowse is the founder of, a blog about the many ways of adding an income stream to blogs.

Darren owns and writes a variety of blogs including Digital Photography Blog and Camera Phone
. He is also a co-founder of the Breaking News Blog Collective.

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