Friday, September 20, 2024

Becoming a Bona Fide “Free Agent”

Free Agent? Visions of someone dressed in black, spying on others comes to mind. Undoubtedly, it seems most individuals are unfamiliar with the term.

Let me clarify what a “Free Agent” is: Someone who works entirely for themselves. Having the ability to work when, where and how long. Generally having a home office and possibly a young child in their lap wreaking havoc with their laptop. An individual who has become fed up with heavy traffic, inconsiderate bosses and spending about 2 hours per day with their families. Other names for a Free Agent: Freelancer, Independent Professional, Self Employed or Independent Contractor. Also known 1099ers by the IRS.

There are roughly 25 MILLION Free Agents in the USA alone. Remarkably, most of these individuals had to dump the security of a consistent job and strike out on their own. I can guarantee you that most will never look back. But what does a Free Agent do? Well, about anything he/she wants to! We all have skills, abilities that we are rather good at. Here are a few jobs that a Free Agent might do: Web Design, Editing, Writing, Desktop publishing/Typesetter, Consulting, Data Entry, Report Production, Startup Services, Transcription, Translation, Word Processing, Design, Illustration, Music, Photography, Accounting, Bookkeeping Financial Planning, Loans, Marketing, Advertising, telemarketing, Consulting, Transcription ,Concierge, Party Planning, Relocation, Vacation Planning, Career Counseling, Tutoring, Collections, Broker, Billing…etc.

This is just a VERY SMALL list of what you could do! The possibilities are endless. Now you may be saying, “But, I am not very good at marketing myself!” Join the club! Neither am I! But with knowledge and persistence, even the most timid can succeed! Listed below are probably the BEST websites for marketing yourself. They make it very EASY! You will need to submit a “portfolio”. Basically a breakdown of your skills. Most of these websites will walk you through the entire process. Once you are in the database, employers looking to outsource their work can easily find and hire you! I HIGHLY recommend submitting your resume or portfolio to everyone of these companies:

  • WorkExchange
  • eWork
  • E-Lance
  • Aquent
  • Ants
  • Contractors Direct
  • Monster Talent Market
  • Free Jobs
  • Freelancers
  • The World Wide Freelance Directory
  • Portfolios
  • Freelancers Network
  • Freelance Online
  • Free Agent Nation
  • Guru

Remember to update your experience frequently! I have received job offers from using these web sites as well. So don’t be shy and go get em!

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Kelly Land is the owner-publisher of:

MoneyMakingMommy has been featured in national magazine Woman’s
World, as the “Hot Website for Moms”. Get a free weekly newsletter
with job listings in it. Subscribe here:

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