Thursday, September 19, 2024

Baidu’s Fortunes Go Up, Down, All Around

It’s best when an article has a clear direction and a smooth flow. Prepare for some turns and bumps, though, because Baidu just isn’t cooperating in this matter. The Chinese search engine company is doing well or poorly, depending on what sort of timeframe you choose, and although Baidu is still beating Google (by quite a lot), it appears that the margin is shrinking.

In the very short term, though, there’s good news for the Chinese corporation. As reported by, its stock shares are heading up – by 1 PM, the price had increased by $3.67. Yet Baidu has been dogged for the last two months by what the report politely labeled a “downtrend.”

To peer a little further back in time, we can look to the Motley Fool’s Rick Munarriz. Baidu, as of three months ago, “was the fourth-most popular site in the world,” according to his research. But now it “has slipped to sixth place.”

While that’s bad for Baidu, it’s relatively good news for Google. Here we get to the meat of the matter, for the American search engine giant has never been able to make much progress in China. That still holds true – “analyst Safa Rashtchy says that China-based search engine Baudu continues to dominate in market share for both organic and paid listings,” according to Search Engine Land.

“[B]ut apparently Google’s increased investments in China are paying off,” Chris Sherman continued, so there’s apparently still some hope for the American contender. And one of those deals – a recent arrangement with the China Networks Communications Corporation – provides yet another cheerful bit of news for Google within the Great Wall.

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