Friday, September 20, 2024

Australian Auctions Life On eBay

An Australian man whose marriage ended after six years is hoping for a fresh start by putting his life up for auction online.

Ian Usher Life AuctionIan Usher Life Auction
(Photo Credit: A Life 4 Sale)

Ian Usher, 44, is auctioning his three-bedroom house in Perth, his car and job on his Web site, along with a link to eBay after his marriage to wife Laura ended last year.

“I am selling everything lock, stock and barrel, from the contents of my wardrobe to my kettle, and from my cutlery to my car,” Usher told The Northern Echo, a local newspaper near his former home in northeast England.

“My aim is to walk away at the end of the eBay auction with my wallet in one pocket and my passport in the other, go to the airport and just jump on the first available plane to anywhere.”

Bids will begin at only $1, but Usher hopes to bring in around $500,000 from the sale of his “life package.”

Usher is also selling his motorcycle, jet-ski, surfboards, sky-diving equipment, spa and his big screen TV. “My tale is a bit of a sad one, but I am not trying to sell anyone a sob story,” he said.

“This is just my way of dealing with what has happened to me.”

Usher’s employer at a Perth rug store, Jenny Jones, will give whoever buys his “life” a two-week trial at the store with a chance for a permanet job.

The auction starts on June 22 and will last one week.


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