Thursday, September 19, 2024

Are You Ready For Some Super Bowl Ads?

In 3 weeks (from this Sunday), America’s biggest sporting event kicks off. As you can tell by little metaphor there, the game I’m talking about the NFL Super Bowl.

Not only is Super Bowl known for being one of the most watched individual sporting events in the world, it is also one the hottest spots for television advertisers – even if the cost for an ad is now over $5 million for one minute of airtime. However, is spending such a great deal of cash worth it (even if you are being exposed to such an immense audience)?

Well, if you pay attention to the latest eMarketer report, then the answer is yes, it is worth spending that kind of money for a Super Bowl ad. eMarketer explains further:

The Super Bowl advertising “halo” extends beyond just the actual game ads, however. The Super Bowl is a much larger TV advertising event.

Ad sales in the pre- and post-game coverage, plus ad sales by the network’s local affiliate stations, generated an extra 74 cents for every ad dollar spent during the game in 2006.

I’m pretty sure most advertisers in the world would be happy with an extra 74% return on every Dollar, Euro, Yen or Yuan spent (because eMarketer used the word “extra,” I’m curious what the initial return is… of course, if it’s 26% or more, the advertiser at the very least breaks even).

Another area of interest in eMarketer’s report has to do with the biggest Super Bowl ad spenders in the last 20 years. These include:

So when you see a Bud Light commercial three Sundays from now, remember Anheuser Busch has spent a quarter of a billion dollars in the last 20 years just to get your attention.

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