Monday, September 16, 2024

Are You Putting Your Girdle Into Your Sales?

“It’s not just enough to swing at the ball. You’ve got to loosen your girdle and really let the ball have it.”- Babe Didrikson Zaharias

Years ago I found this quote from Babe Didrikson Zaharias and not only did it make me laugh out loud – it became a personal mantra.

Read her bio below – this is a woman born in 1913 and died at the young age of 43! You know she met with obstacles – and yet this didn’t ever stop her drive or her quest to succeed.

Didrikson, Babe (Mildred Didrikson), 1913-56, American athlete, generally considered the greatest woman athlete of modern times, b. Port Arthur, Tex.

At an early age Babe Didrikson excelled in basketball, baseball, and track. In 1932 she won five events, tied for first in another, and finished fourth in still another event in the National AAU track and field championships. Two weeks later she won two events in the Olympic games in Los Angeles with record performances and was disqualified in a third while tied for first. From 1934 on she devoted herself to golf. In 1938 she married George Zaharias, a wrestler. She gained wide notice as Babe Didrikson Zaharias. She won the U.S. Golf Association amateur competition (1946) and 15 tournaments in 1946-47. She was the first American woman to win the British amateur title (1947), and after turning professional in 1947 she won 33 tournaments (including the U.S. Open in 1948, 1950, and 1954) before succumbing to cancer. She wrote Championship Golf (1948).

Hey – whenever I am feeling frustrated by a project, a client etc I just ask myself – ” OK Kim – are you just swinging at the ball or have you put your girdle into it?”

Here are some “Girdle Questions” to ask yourself:

– What is the end result I want to see from this client/project/initiative?
– Have I asked my customers enough questions?
– Do I really understand their goals and motivations?
– Do I understand my OWN goals and motivations?
– How committed am I to my business and my clients?

Contrary to popular belief – selling is not based upon doing an information dump on your customer.

In fact, that is a sure-fire way of killing the deal and ending a relationship.

If you want to be considered a success not only in your own mind but with others as well – you have to be willing to strettttttttttttch the boundaries i.e. the girdle of your mind and go beyond what you originally thought was possible.

This is one of the best times of the year for making sales. Developing relationships. Creating new projects. Launching new ideas. Streamlining process.

But have you sat down recently and asked yourself “Hey – where am I at?” and have you also sat down with your customer and asked “How are you doing? What do you want to achieve? How can I make it easier for you?”

I think Babe knew a few things and she would definitely have been someone I would have loved to have met. Can you imagine the insight? The drive? The wisdom?

If she could see into your mind and business right now – would she be impressed or disappointed with you?

So ask yourself today”Am I just swinging at the ball or have I really put my girdle into it?” It would make both Babe Didrikson Zaharias and your Sales Diva proud!

Copyright 2005

Kim Duke, The Sales Diva, provides savvy, sassy sales training for women small biz owners and entrepreneurs. Kim works with clients internationally, showing them The Sales Diva secrets to success! Sign up for her saucy and smart FREE e-zine and receive her FREE Bonus Report The 5 Biggest Sales Mistakes Women Make at

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