Thursday, September 19, 2024

Are you an Intrepreneur?

Intrepreneur (intrupru’nur, n. ) One who organises an Internet Venture and assumes the risks for it ; risk-taking businessperson : someone who sets up and finances new Internet enterprises to make a profit

Don’t look for it in your dictionary, it ain’t there. It’s just my definition of the new breed of Internet Entrepreneur

So what does it take to become a successful “Intrepreneur”?

Just what are those specific qualities you will need to develop.

Be a fast mover

The Internet moves at light speed – well almost! New ideas and trends develop and take hold quickly, so you need to “keep your wits about you” to keep up! Make sure you’re up date on the latest trends and technologies – there’s no prizes for the Tortoise in this race!

Be an ideas person – think laterally!

Revenue models are inherently more complex than with bricks and mortar businesses. There’s many sides to cash generation on the Net – direct sales, affiliate marketing, back end sales, joint ventures, online advertising. Be creative when designing your revenue streams!

Stay “in tune” with your markets

The Net is a great leveler! As one “Intrepreneur” found out when he sold his business – then bought it back – you have many advantages over larger, corporate businesses. Stay in touch with your customers – their needs and the demands of the marketplace – then implement changes to your business quickly. This way you “steal the advantage” from the big boys. You may not have the bulging bank account, but you can make sure you spend wisely.

Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty!

To find out what people really want, you have to get among them. Talk to them and get amongst them – in the forums and chatrooms. Find out what they want – what will make their life easier. Then work out how to give it to them.

Never – ever – stop learning

As MJ, a multi millionaire Intrepreneur, told me, “You have to get a doctorate from Toilet University!”

Keep reading, keep learning. It has a cumulative effect – it all adds up. Sooner or later all that information that you’ve read, stored in your subconscious, will combine to create a killer idea – the type that bubbles up to the surface as if from nowhere.

Read about new technologies and trends, read about successful businesses, and read motivational and self help material to keep you going.

Develop the right attitude

Positivity leads to creativity which leads to ideas which leads to profits which gives you a great attitude which leads to positivity which leads to . . .

. . and so on! A vicious circle – but you can make it work to your advantage!

Take action – and keep going

Successful Intrepreneurs take action. And never give up. Edison is remembered for inventing the lightbulb – not his thousands of failed attempts.

Like any good sailor, you must take action and set sail – adjust your course from time to time to take account of the weather, check your compass now and again to make sure you’re still on course – and eventually you’ll get to your destination.

Get started! The journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. Start moving. Now.

2004 Robin Porter

Robin Porter is CEO of Arpey Internet : Uk Ecommerce website designers and advises ecommerce store owners on marketing at

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