Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Aptana Apt For Web Development

The integrated developer environment distributed by Aptana takes a JavaScript-focused approach to building dynamic applications.

Aptana has made its beta version 0.31 available in multiple forms. Platform specific versions may be downloaded for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Much of Aptana’s code has been written in Java.

Eclipse users can obtain the beta as a plugin to their preferred IDE. Currently, Aptana’s developers recommend using the program in its standalone version. As an Eclipse 3.2 plugin, all of Aptana’s features will be available except File View.

The IDE has an assortment of features for the developer’s benefit. Code Assist allows developers to select from their available properties and methods to quickly complete a statement.

Many of those methods also have icons displayed for various web browsers, to show if the method will be compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Safari, for example

The user can control which icons are displayed. By default, IE and Mozilla icons show up in Code Assist. Users may change these by checking or unchecking them in the preferences for Aptana.

Language support for JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, has been integrated into the editor. Documentation for DOM and JavaScript Core Language may be found there, making it easy to find parameters for a core function.

Aptana supports the importing of additional libraries to complement those that come with the download. Those import options include Dojo, JQuery, and the Yahoo UI library.

For the adventurous developer, Aptana may be customized using JavaScript. More actions and macros beyond those provided can be written and made a part of the everyday use of the IDE.

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David Utter is a staff writer for Murdok covering technology and business.

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