Thursday, September 19, 2024

Andy Beal And Websourced Part Ways

Philosophical differences have been the cause of many a break-up, especially ones that affect business partnerships.

With this in mind and much to our surprise, Andy Beal of SearchEngineLowdown has resigned his position at Websourced, citing a difference of opinion concerning the direction the SEM company is taking. It has also been revealed by that Andy will likely cease posting at the SELowdown blog in favor of another, yet to be named, blogspot. Although the disclaimer at the bottom of SELowdown indicates the blog belongs to Andy, he apparently turned over the rights to his previous employers.

Andy’s post detailing his decision has been removed, however, Threadwatch has a snippet, which says:

I wanted my readers to be the first to know that I have decided to resign my position at WebSourced, Inc. The five years that I have spent, helping the company grow from a start-up to the world’s largest search marketing company, have been some of the most rewarding, exciting and satisfying of my career.

Threadwatch’s entry contains a larger portion of Andy’s post, if you are interested in reading more.

Andy’s departure comes on the heels of Jason Dowdell’s, who cited similar reasons for his resignation. Whatever the reasons, one thing is certain, Websourced has lost two valuable employees because of “differing opinions,” which means we may never know what is causing this surprising turnover.

In any case, I would certainly like to wish Andy good luck with his future endeavors.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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