Saturday, October 5, 2024

Analyze This: Yahoo! To Provide Web Analytics To Advertisers

In an effort to provide advertisers with better search marketing information and protection from click fraud, Yahoo! Search Marketing has partnered up with four top web analytics companies. Now getting cozy with Yahoo!’s application program interfaces (APIs): Coremetrics, Omniture, WebTrends, and WebSideStory.

The four analytics companies will be providing Yahoo! with insight into specific click-through rates, conversions, and web log information, in an effort the search giant hopes will enhance its ability to combat click fraud while providing an enhanced optimization service to advertisers.

“Based on our ongoing dialogues with our customers, we recognize they want more insight into their campaign performance and the quality of traffic they are receiving through their search marketing programs,” said John Slade, senior director of Product Management, Yahoo! Search Marketing.

“By partnering with four of the world’s most trusted web analytics providers, we aim to not only help provide advertisers with more integrated campaign reporting, but also better protect them from unwanted traffic. Best of all, the advertiser is in control of how best to deploy these solutions.”

Centered around Yahoo!’s Advertiser Web Services (AWS) program, the partnership is aimed at increasing efficiency by giving the web analytics companies direct access to APIs and providing fully integrated search marketing campaign reports.

Yahoo! Search Marketing will have the added advantage of obtaining more in-depth click activity information that, up till now, has not been available to search engines. They’ll do this by gleaning information from advertisers’ site tags set up through web analytic providers, with the advertisers’ permission, of course.

“It’s a common misperception that search engines have all of the information necessary to identify all unwanted clicks. The fact is, advertisers possess information in their web analytics data that is proprietary to their business and can help engines detect questionable traffic,” said Bryan Eisenberg, Chairman of the Web Analytics Association.

“Working with these four analytics partners will help Yahoo! better understand advertisers’ click activity so they all can continue to enhance and improve their global click-through protection capabilities.”

Those interested can get more information here.

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