Thursday, September 19, 2024 Review

A marketing rep from sent me an email this past week wanting me to check out their free analytics product.

After a fairly quick registration process I was able to copy their JavaScript code onto my blog and was up and running in a few minutes. The JavaScript is a bit lengthier than StatCounter’s or Google’s but if it’s placed just before the end body tag it really doesn’t make a difference.

After collecting data for a couple of days I was actually pleasantly surprised with the diversity of the reports. As you log-in you are presented with the previous day’s summary which includes various stats such as: Page Views, Unique Visitors, Returning Visitors, Top Search Engine, Busiest Hour, etc…

Other useful reports include: Top Referrers, Top Search Engines/Phrases, Top Click Paths, Entry/Exit Pages, Visitors by Geography as well as a few more.

The look of the interface could use a little work but the data is relatively accurate and easy to read. So if you’re looking for an alternate to StatCounter or need something to provide you with a second set of results, this maybe the tool (did I mention there is no log file size limit).


Bookmark Murdok:

Manoj has been working in the search engine marketing industry since 2002. He started out as a software developer but now provides in-depth web site analysis using web analytics.

Manoj is also the author of Web Analytics World. Web Analytics is an essential component in developing a successful
online campaign. Help convert visitors into customers by understanding

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