Thursday, September 19, 2024

Analysis Of Yahoo’s New Algorithm

In an article from eWeek that he published in his blog, Andy Beal said that 15 people from his company spent the majority of Tuesday analyzing Yahoo’s results.

Take A Closer Look At The New YahooTake A Closer Look At The New Yahoo

Beal noted that the results on Yahoo’s search were slightly different from other sites that use Inktomi – do some searches yourself to determine Yahoo’s distinct algorithmic flavor.

Chris Sherman, of SearchEngineWatch said, “for popular or common queries, there seemed to be very little difference between the two engines in top few results. But once you get past those, the results tend to diverge dramatically.”

Beal thought that, “it looks like Yahoo is trying to mimic Google in many ways.”

However, Sherman said, “while Yahoo and Google are likely using similar algorithms, one reason for the differences in what’s displayed is that Yahoo’s email and search teams are now working together to leverage what they’ve learned about spam.

“Since Yahoo mail processes billions of email messages, this knowledge is likely quite helpful in providing Yahoo with a much deeper understanding of the characteristics of spam — and helping keep the nasty stuff out of the web page index.”

What do you think of the new Yahoo algorithm? Tell us here!

SearchEngineWatch article on the new Yahoo.
eWeek article on the new Yahoo.
The Yahoo press release.

Garrett French is the editor of Murdok’s eBusiness channel. You can talk to him directly at WebProWorld, the eBusiness Community Forum.

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