Thursday, September 19, 2024

An opportunity for Land Rover

It looks like all’s well for Adrian Melrose that ends well. Adrian’s the blogger who’s been waging war on Land Rover.

In a post this morning on his war blog, Adrian says that he struck a deal with Land Rover yesterday on a replacement Discovery.

While the main point in all this – Adrian’s desire for a working vehicle – has now been resolved, it does leave open a number of extremely interesting issues from the overall communication and customer relationship points of view.

For instance, the role blogs can play in forcing a poor customer service issue into the public eye. How some others see what you’re doing and raise an equally-interesting argument that this is nothing more than citizen journalism blackmail. Or what if an individual or group uses blogs as part of a non-legitimate campaign of attack on an organization’s reputation.

Then there’s the very interesting point in Adrian’s post today that raises the idea of converting his anti-Land Rover blog into a platform for open discussion about Land Rover products, and involving Land Rover the company.

Now there’s a great opportunity for Land Rover to enter into a direct and open conversation with their customers. It could be a rocky ride to start with, but what an opportunity if they grasp it. If Adrian falls totally in love with his replacement Discovery, you have the beginnings of a true customer evangelist who has a blog.

Great discussion points.

Links: waging war on Land Rover

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Neville Hobson is the author of the popular blog which focuses on business communication and technology.

Neville is currentlly the VP of New Marketing at Crayon. Visit Neville Hobson’s blog:

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