Wednesday, September 18, 2024

“An Little-Known Reason For You To Create An Information Product”

Most people don’t go from being unknown to well-known in one day. (Not unless they commit a crime!)

Becoming well-known usually starts with small steps that begin a process where you become more and more known by those in your field. And usually, the more well known you become, the easier it will be to make money!

It’s The Same As In High School Did you know that the way for you to become well known hasn’t changed much since High School?

How did people become well known in High School?

It all had to do with who you hung out with — who you associated with!

If you hung out, and were seen with the right people enough times, then you became popular — well known!

The way to become well known in your field is to begin associating yourself with the right people!

How You Take A Quantum Leap Towards Becoming Well Known: Do you want to know how you can begin to become well known? You already know what I did to start this process!

All I did was put together an e-book on the recession. That one step of putting together that book has enabled me to begin to experience things I never thought would happen!

Here’s some of what’s happened to me:

–I’ve had lunch with two of the experts in my ebook and another expert have taken me “under their wing” and begun mentoring me!

–I’ve had some incredible testimonials written about my e-book from some legends of marketing, business and self-improvement!

–I’ve participated in a teleconference in which I, and 8 well known experts, were interviewed!

— I put on a teleconference in which I reveal the exact steps I took to get experts to take me seriously and give me an interview. (The teleconference was called “How You Can Get Almost Any Expert In Any Field To Write A Book For You!” (See

This all happened because of the “little” e-book I put together.

But I told you this because I want you to realize

YOU COULD BE EXPERIENCING THESE TYPES OF THINGS VERY SOON! All you need to do is begin associating with the right people!

The best way for you to do that is by putting together an e-book (or physical book) with interviews from experts in your field!

Imagine what it would be like to have an e-book with your name on it that contains interviews from experts in your field!

I’ll say it again: If I can do it, then you can too! Believe me. It’s true! Having an e-book like this can begin propelling you from being unknown to well known!

Having an e-book like this can begin the process of you increasing the amount of money your business brings in!

Anyone can do this. You just need to know a system. (And now you do!) Now all you need is to be brave enough to take action.

You have two choices:

1. Finish this article and think, “That was good!” But do nothing with what you learned.

2. Finish this article and think, “I can and will do this!” And begin re-reading this article and applying the steps TODAY!

Which are you going to choose?

Write me when you succeed! I’d love to celebrate with you!

Scott Aughtmon interviewed 20 of the top business and marketing experts around for his e-book “How You Can Survive And Prosper
In A Recession!” Get 3 chapters for f*ree at the website above.
–>”Learn More On How To Use Email And Connect With Your Customers
From A Well-Known Expert:

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