Saturday, September 21, 2024

AMD VS. Intel: Place Your Bets

AMD has challenged Intel to a public duel between the two companies’ dual-core server processors. AMD issued the challenge in the form of an ad in several big-name newspapers.

The ad appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, San Jose Mercury News and The San Francisco Chronicle. Now AMD is waiting for Intel to accept the challenge.

AMD VS. Intel: Place Your Bets “Since we launched Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors in April 2005, we’ve won every major industry-standard benchmark for x86 servers. AMD64 dual-core technology provides industry-leading performance, is easy to upgrade and is energy efficient,” said Marty Seyer, the general manager of AMD’s Microprocessor Solutions Sector.

“We are giving our competitor a fair and open opportunity to challenge our clear market leadership in a public setting”, added Seyer.

With AMD getting ready to come out swinging, the question is “will intel have the guts to step up to the challenge?” How will it look if they don’t? NewsFactor reports:

Intel hardly seems to be running scared. It’s expected to release a dual-core version of its Xeon chips for servers — currently code-named Paxville — later this year. Intel is due to disclose more details about Paxville at the Intel Developer Forum this week. The Paxville chips had previously been seen arriving in early 2006.

Still, analyst Kevin Krewell, with In-Stat/MDR in San Jose, Calif., says the competition between a dual-core Opteron and Intel’s Paxville-based Xeon chips could be interesting and may well lean in AMD’s favor. “If you look at certain benchmarks, it would be a reasonable competition,” he says. “But it’s not always about who has the faster chip.” Power consumption, too, is becoming key to measuring a chip’s performance — the less power a chip uses, the cheaper a room full of servers is to operate.

AMD says that the duel would let customers decide for themselves which company’s processors would work best for them.

If Intel does in fact accept the challenge from AMD, the location is supposed to be made public within the next several weeks.

Chris is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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