Friday, September 20, 2024

Amazon Introduces PayPhrase has introduced “PayPhrase,” a new shortcut for making purchases at the online retailer and other websites.

PayPhrase works by allowing users to choose their own phrase along with a PIN and then set up their shipping information, which is stored at Amazon.

Amazon customers can use PayPhrase to make purchases at any websites that offers Checkout by Amazon, such as DNKY, Patagonia, and J&R Electronics.

Amazon says PayPhrase shortens the online shopping process by not requiring customers to share sensitive payment information with multiple websites. Customers can type their PayPhrase into a button on the product page, and click to preview the total cost of the order, including shipping and tax.

Customers can skip steps such as “Add to cart,” “Proceed to checkout,” by using their PayPhrase information.


“PayPhrase solves the headache of trying to keep track of all the different usernames and passwords people use to shop on various sites across the web. With PayPhrase all you need is one phrase and one PIN to pay online,” said Matt Williams, General Manager, Amazon PayPhrase (Matt’s PayPhrase is “good to go”).

“We think customers will enjoy the simplicity that Amazon PayPhrase offers, and we hope they’ll have some fun choosing their own personal phrases.”

Merchants can accept PayPhrase orders by using Checkout by Amazon, which automatically supports PayPhrase. Parents can use PayPhrase to set up an online allowance for their kids and approve each order via email, mobile phone or text alerts.


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