Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ali’s Kindness Marketing Story

Dear Garrett,

Just 6 months after setting up my new computer business, I was driving long distance to a client when on a bend in the highway, I saw what looked to be a large leather business organiser. “So what” I thought, it will only be flattened by a truck any second now, but I just felt so bad in case the information inside was really important to the person that lost it, so I pulled up and safely retrieved it. It must have JUST been lost I thought as no vehicle had actually driven over it.

Once in the car, I cautiously opened the zipper and found many personal and business items such as documents, contracts and cheque books. In some way I was relieved that I had found it and not someone dishonest enough to do some serious damage with this information. I eventually tracked the owner down, a manager of a golf club in Kamloops, Canada after a couple of phone calls, and he was just amazed that someone had found it and even returned it. It turned out that he had left his organiser on top of his SUV while loading it up and driven off. Poor fellow, I empathised with him as I have also done the same.

After coming to collect his treasure, he offered me dinner for two for my wife and I, free membership to his golf club or even money, all of which I refused to take as I was only too happy to have helped save his day. I asked if ever he had computer trouble that he would call me as our company was new but offered services second to none and gave him a business card. Just two weeks later his company called and there was the start of a great business relationship. He refuses to deal with any other computer company but ours.

Ever since that day, as if by magic, people just kept calling our company and we have been extremely busy. It was as if it was “good” Karma had passed over us. Maybe the golf manager had something to do with it, whatever the reasons, we couldn’t be more happier. Oh, I have to tell you that as of yet, we have NEVER placed advertisements for our business. Its seems that word of mouth is the best form of advertisement.

It just shows that honesty is the best policy in the long run. You will also sleep better at night!

With kindest regards,

Ali Uddin
(250) 319 1607
(250) 579 2202 (Fax)

Ali Uddin
(250) 319 1607
(250) 579 2202 (Fax)

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