Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Affiliates! Take your Share of the Cake Now! – Extract#1

Chapter 1: Select your partners carefully

1. Choose the right affiliate programs:

An affiliate agreement is a business relationship between the merchant of a product or service and a website owner who promotes the merchant’s offerings.

The website (affiliate i.e. You) earns a commission from the merchant (i.e. program owner) for each referral that results: -in a newsletter subscription for “Pay per lead” programs, -in a visitor referral for “Pay per click” programs, -in a sale for “Pay per sale” programs.

The affiliate plays no role in the sales contract; the product is sold by the merchant to the customer.

As the most of affiliates directories do, I personally do prefer “Pay per sale” affiliate programs. This is simply because these programs have the most profit margin. Think about results/effort ratio (we will see this later).

What about two-tier programs?

They are “2 levels” affiliate programs that make it possible to you to recruit “sub-affiliates”. Thus, the merchant, the first level affiliate (i.e. you) and the second level affiliate (your downline) will all make profit.

Well, I do not support this kind of programs as they are considered somehow as Multi Level Marketing. And MLM has a mitigated reputation in the Internet.

What makes a specific affiliate program good?

When you are hunting for the rare pearl (i.e. the program that suits you), make sure all the following criteria apply on it:

-The category: This is very important. Choose affiliate programs relating to the main topic of your web site.

-The general aspect of the program: Check for the program information page on the merchant’s web site. It’s a good indicator of the program’s quality.

-The sign up process: It must be easy and secure.

-The Control Panel: As an affiliate I really appreciate the Control Panel provided to me after registration. There, I can get access and control for all cooperations, products sales, earned commissions… Real time statistics are highly recommended too.

-The tracking software: Ask the merchant for details before you join. A powerful tracking system is somehow a regular payment guarantee.

-The commission rate or amount: I consider that 15% is not acceptable and 25% is a little bit reasonable.

-The payment method and schedule: It is amazing that some merchants omit paying their affiliates. Also it is good to be able to choose the payment method: check, wire transfer.

-The minimum earnings before receiving payment: The affiliate must have earned a minimum amount in commission before payment can be made. If the minimum amount is not reached within the month, the total is carried over to the next month and added to the next payment. Always ask for this precious information. It is good to know about.

All these criteria determine the Quality of an affiliate program.

There are plenty of programs offers on the Internet, but only few are based on quality.

I believe that providing Quality service or content is the solid guarantee for steady success. It is a simple philosophy and I have always gotten by on it.

All the best!

This article contains abridged extracts from my new course: “Affiliates! Take your Share of the Cake Now!”

It is dedicated especially to the ambitious affiliate who is ready to spend little work to *really* succeed in this online business: Affiliate Programs.

You can get your 4 Day course for FREE at: affiliate_success@sendfree.com

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