Friday, September 20, 2024

Advertisers Warming Up To YouTube

Madison Avenue is starting to get it – YouTube equals maximum exposure for minimal dollars.

Advertisers Warming Up To YouTube

“Advertisers Warming Up To YouTube”

Advertisers Warming Up To YouTube

Pablo Palatnik relays a hot topic from the Future of Online Advertising convention in New York where advertisers focused on ways to utilize YouTube for their campaigns.

The star of the show there, says Palatnik, were Dove-sponsored non-profit 75-second films on self-image and public perceptions of beauty.

I know, sounds like a real bummer, doesn’t it? But “Dove Evolution” was viewed on YouTube 4 million times. The cost to Dove? $50,000.

50 grand is not exactly chump change, or even a cost that small businesses would consider – the production value on the short films was quite good, though – but it is, by leaps and bounds, cheaper than shelling out $2.5 million for a 30-second Super Bowl spot.

Palatnik continues with viral examples at SearchEngineJournal, and the Future Of Online Advertising Site.

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