Thursday, September 19, 2024

ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day Two Roundup

Day two of ad:tech Chicago rounded up with a sigh. With all the parties Monday night, I think some of the attendees were looking forward to the end of the day.

Lots of good sessions and a few duds, but that’s the way it goes with most conferences. Luckily, the two sessions I covered went pretty well. There were quite a few folks covering the conference so I’ve assembled a list of all search marketing and related posts below:

Coverage by the ad:tech blog:

It’s Hard Out Here for a Traffic Pimp

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark

Developing an Integrated Local Media Strategy

Local Integration

TV Is Changing And TV Companies Better Follow

AdSpace on MySpace – Advertising with Social Media

Making Search Even More Efficient! Increasing Your Search Ranking Via PR and Search as a Branding Mechanism

Intelligence and Idiocy Fill ad:tech Chicago’s Party Scene

Customer Analytics and Marketing Dashboards – The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Booth Babe Offers Relief From Long, Hard Day

Mastering Your Domains

Link Building – It’s All About Quality

Many Monday Night Parties Emerge at Chicago ad:tech

Bullets R Us: Best Practices in Design

Creative Blather Concludes Creative Is Non-Linear’

Sessions covered here at Online Marketing Blog:

Link Building

Big Brands and Podcasting

Warm and Cozy SEO

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark

Advertising with Social Media

ad:tech Announces New Programming Chair Drew Ianni

ad:tech Chicago 2006 – Day One Roundup

Posts by Frank Gruber for iMedia Connection:

WOM in the New Social Media Landscape

Creating the Positive User Experience

Advertising on Social Networks

Integrate Your Local Media Strategy

Posts from the team at DMNews:

Big-Brand Marketers Take Time, Care With New Initiatives

Keynoter Offers Model, Metrics for Cross-Channel Engagement

Ad:tech: Integrated Media Spurs Innovation

Panel: Consumers Trail Speeding TV Technology

Panelists Talk Soaring Mobile Platform

Ad:tech: Keynote Focuses on Design Through Creativity, Social Responsibility

How Many Keywords Does FedEx Have?

Ad:tech Chicago: Key Trends Impacting Advertising, Media and Technology

Drew Ianni Succeeds Susan Bratton as ad:tech Chair

Overall, a pretty good show! Thanks to ad:tech and Steve Hall for having me participate in the conference coverage. You can find out more about ad:tech and upcoming shows at the ad:tech web site.

Bookmark Murdok:

Lee Odden is President and Founder of
TopRank Online Marketing, specializing in organic SEO, blog
marketing and online public relations. He’s been cited as a search
marketing expert by publications including U.S. News & World Report and
The Economist and has implemented successful search marketing programs
with top BtoB companies of all sizes. Odden shares his marketing
expertise at Online Marketing Blog offering
daily news, interviews and best practices.

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