Monday, September 16, 2024

Achieving Success in 5 Easy Steps

There are 5 essential steps or elements to achieving success in your personal and business life. Applying these 5 steps will guarantee the success that you are seeking.

All 5 steps work together and are essential to achieving ultimate success. Just like a recipe for your favorite cookies, you can not leave one ingredient out and expect your cookies to taste like they did before. Do not skip or substitute when you want true success.

Desire is … the first of the five steps to personal success. You must first have a driving desire to achieve something. To be successful at anything is to have what Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) calls a “burning DESIRE”, wanting something so badly that you feel it throughout your whole being. Desire is the push that drives you toward achieving the thing that you want. It’s like when you crave a sweet, creamy chocolate bar. You have a taste for something sweet. Depending on where you are at the moment, let’s say that you are at home, you go to the kitchen to find something chocolaty to eat, unfortunately you find no chocolate bar. So, you grab your car keys and drive to the nearest convenience store and you purchase a candy bar. You had a craving, you felt the DESIRE for chocolate, you can even taste chocolate, you have to eat a chocolate bar to satisfy the desire. To satisfy a desire you first need a goal.

Goals are … essential to achieving any amount of success, no matter if it is a large goal or a short-term goal. The GOAL gives you purpose and direction to achieve your ultimate end. Without a GOAL or a target, we wonder aimlessly, where we must accept what life throws at us. Or you can set a goal for yourself. People often say that setting goals is so “difficult”. But actually we make small goals each day without realizing it. Before going to bed at night, you set your alarm clock to wake up at 6:30 AM, so that you will have plenty of time to wake up in the morning, take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast and then leave your home for work. When you set the alarm, you made a goal for yourself: to be at work ON TIME. You set into motion the smaller goals or steps to achieve your ultimate goal. The steps (or smaller goals) were:

(1) to take a shower, so that you are clean and refreshed (2) get dressed for work (3) then eat breakfast for energy to get the day started (4) leave the house for work, so that you arrive at work on time.

You probably are not aware that you unconsciously make small goals for yourself every day of your life. Longer range goals are not much more difficult. Set your goal (the final objective) and then decide all of the necessary steps that are needed to achieve your objective.

Knowledge is … essential to succeed toward anything that you aspire to achieve. Specialized “know-how” helps you to make choices that brings success to YOU. Specialized knowledge can be learned from reading, studying, trial-and-error, more education and even life experiences. You decide what kind of and the amount of knowledge that is needed for you to be able to accomplish your goal. Let’s say that you want to have a garage sale. Do you know how to advertise your Sale? Do you know if you must register your sale with a local authority? Do you know how to price your goods? Get all of the knowledge that you need.

1. You might look for a book on HOW TO HAVE A GARAGE SALE. 2. You might make a phone call to the local authorities to see what your legal requirements might be. 3. Phone the local newspaper about how to advertise your garage sale. 4. Select the best day to hold your sale.

Gather all of the knowledge that you need to host a successful garage sale. The gathering of information is actually a part of the step-by-step process in the goal achieving process.

Persistence is … the constant effort that you put out to continue until you achieve your goal. Set time tables in your goals, so that you work to achieve smaller goals along the way. As you achieve smaller goals, this helps to build your self-confidence. Also helping you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as you get closer to achieving your ultimate goal.

Self-confidence is … developed as you achieve each small step towards your final goal. The more self-confident that you become, the better that you feel about yourself and in achieving your GOAL. When you decided that you wanted to learn HOW to surf the Internet, you had a DESIRE to learn how to get onto the World Wide Web. You set a GOAL for yourself to be surfing within a few hours. Either someone taught you, or you followed a manual or you just jumped onto the computer keyboard and started pounding on the keys. Some how, you made it onto the Internet. You acquired the KNOWLEDGE to surf the Internet. Aren’t you glad you did? Because of your DESIRE, you sought the KNOWLEDGE to learn how to get onto the Internet. You applied your KNOWLEDGE and PERSISTED until you were surfing the Net on your own. It may not seem like a lot of knowledge, but aren’t you more CONFIDENT and comfortable about using a computer? You gained self-confidence as success came to YOU! You achieved your GOAL. You are a successful person, you just were not aware of it. Now, that you know that you can achieve success, it is time to repeatedly apply the 5 steps to success in your personal and business life.

Now Be More Successful!

Dustin Rhodes has written several Internet Home Business ebooks and publishes the free weekly business e-zine: The Power Marketeer eZine. Subscribe at:

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