Friday, September 20, 2024

A Powerful Job Search Letter Often Ignored by Job Hunters

The follow-up letter is a powerful tool often ignored by applicants during job search. Written effectively, it can add weight to your application, particularly when a short list for second or third interviews is being determined by the recruiter. The follow-up letter has several uses:

* A method for continued dialogue between yourself and the recruiter.

* An opportunity to restate your skills and experience.

* Evidence that you have considered the position seriously and wish to reaffirm your interest.

* It’s a proactive document, providing a vehicle for selling yourself further.

* The ability to offer solutions to key issues and objectives discussed during the interview.

The structure for your follow-up letter is similar to your covering letter with some minor variation as follows:

* Commence your letter with a thank you statement in appreciation of the recruiter’s time.

* Include references to key selection criteria discussed during the interview in bullet-point form. This will confirm you have paid attention to the recruiter’s comments.

* Be proactive by offering solutions to key issues and objectives discussed during the interview.

* Reaffirm that you are still interested and challenged by the position. It will reflect your enthusiasm.

Here are some follow-up Letter Tips:

* Write your letter on the same day after the interview.

* Send your follow-up letter on the same day of the interview. It’s important that your letter gets to the recruiter as quickly as possible.

* Fax or e-mail is an ideal method of correspondence, otherwise send it express post.

* Do not courier your letter, as it may appear exaggerated. Normal mail is too slow.

* Write a follow-up letter after each interview stage and not just the first.

The benefit of the follow up letter is that its not commonly used as a technique by job applicants, and by applying this powerful tool, you will certainly have an edge on other applicants.

Effective letter writing for job applications is a chapter contained in my book, “How to Find a Job in 6 Weeks”.The book also contains a sample follow-up letter that I have used and perfected myself.

Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved

Anthony Ranieri is the author of the highly regarded job search Book,
“How to Find a Job in Six Weeks”

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