Friday, September 20, 2024

A Peek Into The Grayboxx

Well, it’s Friday afternoon, and that’s as good a time for vague rumors and reports as any.  So we bring you news – somewhat figuratively speaking – of an up and-coming search company called Grayboxx.

More accurately, VentureBeat’s Eric Eldon brings all of us news of Grayboxx – he had a sit-down with the company, which is located in California (while murdok is many muggy miles away in Kentucky).  “We’d normally yawn at such a company, because a dozen other companies are more or less directly competing in the area,” he states.  “But . . . we were impressed with its very different way of collecting data to determine business popularity.”

Then a noticeable lack of explanation takes place.  “Apologies for being vague, but the company is keeping its exact method under wraps,” writes Eldon.  He gives a few examples that indicate some superior search capabilities, though, and Eldon’s not likely to be fooled by PR flash.  It’s good enough for me (and for a Friday afternoon).

The Grayboxx site is pretty bare, but it does mention a “patent-pending PrefenceScoring algorithm” which sounds rather intriguing.  Clicking on one of two links on the site (“About Us,” with the other being “Jobs”) leads to a short description that states the “PreferenceScoring solution evaluates ‘implicit endorsements’ (essentially, people’s expressions of approval for a business).”

Looks like we’ll just have to wait and see how this turns out.  Grayboxx was founded in 2005, and there’s no word on when its product will launch.

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