Google Acquires AppJet
Another sign of the importance a certain search giant places on Google Wave came today as the acquisition of a company called AppJet was announced. AppJet offers a product that mirrors certain aspects of Google Wave, only since it's been around for a little longer, may have one or more legs up.
Amazon Launches Textbook Trade-In Program has introduced a "Textbooks Trade-In" program, which allows people to exchange used textbooks in return for an Amazon gift card.
Users can search for the book on Amazon they want to trade and view how much credit they will receive in the form of a gift card. If the offer seems reasonable, users can print a pre-paid shipping label and put the book in the mail.
Site Usability Issues Matter During the Holidays
We're well into the holiday season now, in terms of having sites ready for holiday sales. That said, it's never too late to improve your site. Your sales may depend on it. There are lot of key ingredients that go into the recipe of a successful e-commerce site: marketing, analytics, customer service, prices, competition, and the list goes on. Somewhere in there is design, and more importantly, usability.
Google Finance Delves Into Streaming News
It's possible to make hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars in a few minutes. It's also possible to lose tons of money in a short timespan, however, and this is even more likely to happen when someone's dealing with outdated information. So from now on, news stories will be streamed on Google Finance as they're published.
The Young Are More Likely To Respond To Mobile Advertising
It appears that it is finally safe to say that if mobile hasn’t completely arrived it is certainly in the room and recognized for its potential. Should we declare 2010 as the ‘Year of Mobile’? Sure, why not. There will be others and honestly it means nothing to hype it. Let’s look at what’s actually going on at street level.
MySpace Upgrades Users’ Mobile Experience
MySpace has launched a new version of its mobile site at for people who use iPhone, Android, and Palm WebOS. This version is optimized to take advantage of the browsers and screen sizes of these devices.
Archive Rolls Out Redesign
Thomson Reuters has introduced a new redesign to in an effort to offer more intelligent content to business professionals.
The redesign has been in the works for the past year according to David Schlesinger, Editor-in-Chief of Reuters.