Tuesday, January 21, 2025

ChatGTP Coding Issues & Solutions


Generative Pre-training Transformer 4 (GPT-4), developed by OpenAI, has become a popular tool among programmers, assisting in both professional and personal projects. While it has shown consistent accuracy in code generation, some users have recently reported a noticeable decline in its performance. This article delves into these concerns, possible reasons for them, and how to utilize typical solutions for the coding issues.

Accuracy Issues in ChatGTP 3 & 4

Not too long ago, GPT-4 was lauded for its ability to offer accurate responses, even though minor details might occasionally go astray. Users have been able to depend on it to guide them on their coding path effectively. However, recent weeks have seen a shift in this trend, with many users reporting an increase in errors, to the point where the model’s suggestions are substantially off the mark.

Comparison: GPT-4 and GPT-3

While GPT-4 comes with its own merits, several developers have chosen to stick with its predecessor, GPT-3, primarily due to two factors:

  1. GPT-4’s lower character limit proves to be a hurdle when dealing with scripts that are more than just simple.
  2. Users have noted that GPT-4 is less adept at generating code than GPT-3.

Recurring Issues with ChatGPT Coding

Alongside the recent accuracy concerns, users have noticed common issues across both GPT-4 and GPT-3 when they are used for coding:

  • The model sometimes repeats the entire code, especially when it is long, and adds a tag for the programming language in use (like “`php).
  • Instead of showing the full code, it often adds many placeholder comments.
  • Ignores very specific requests for code changes / additions.
  • Uses old libraries with broken CDN links due to the data being from.
  • Not updating code in included files.

Solutions To ChatGTP Coding Issues

Typical Fix For ChatGPT Coding Problems

The key to gaining useful output seems to be in how you interact with the model. One proven approach is starting a new chat, pasting a working version of your code, and then making specific, incremental requests for improvements. This approach often results in more accurate and beneficial responses from the AI model.

Preventing ChatGPT Using Placeholders

Generally the placeholders show in the form of code commenting, “// This is a placeholder” for example. Pasting those into chat and instructing ChatGTP to show the full code in place of placeholders can fix the issue.

Preventing ChatGPT from Using Old Libraries

Manually fix the library links, then paste the code back into the chat. It will use the updated libraries in subsequent responses.

Forcing ChatGTP to Update Code in Included Files

From my observation ChatGPT needs to be primed with all available information before you start programming. What I’ve found fixes the issue is to paste in the primary file and any includes into the chat by saying “This is somefile.php” and then pasting in the code. I also run a describe on the MySQL table and provide ChatGPT with the DB schema (Convert all this to your language and DB).

Final Thoughts on ChatGTP Coding Issues

GPT-4’s recent struggles with code accuracy have left many programmers searching for answers and alternative strategies. By refining the way we interact with the model, we can still extract valuable insights and guidance for our coding projects. OpenAI is also continuously working to improve these models, so we can hope to see these issues resolved in future updates.

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