Outspoken atheist Nick Gisburne claims that the staff of Google-owned YouTube deleted his account simply because he posted a selection of Quran quotations, among other religious criticism. In a video he released on February 8th, he states:
Today, in fact just a couple of hours ago, YouTube deleted my account – in fact all of my accounts. They deleted the NickGisburne account, they deleted the Gisburne2000 account. And this is the reason that they gave me:
“After being flagged by members of the YouTube community, and reviewed by YouTube staff, the video below has been removed due to its inappropriate nature: …
Islamic Teachings – Cruelty From the Quran
Due to your repeated attempt to upload inappropriate videos, your account has now been permanently disabled, and your videos have been taken down.”
… You can’t imagine how it feels, I just went completely white when I saw the email.
Nick claims he had hundreds of subscribers to his YouTube channel. While that channel is now closed, the video in question is currently being mirrored by other YouTube members. You may agree or disagree with the video’s message, but why remove it, and why remove Nick’s account with it?
[Via Searchblog.]
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