Saturday, October 5, 2024

Yellow Pages Industry Trying To Adapt

2007 wasn’t at all easy, but 2008 could be the toughest year yet for the print Yellow Pages industry, according to a new report.  Companies may try unusual things to save money, and at the same time, are expected to increase their efforts to succeed online.

This may even result in oddities like online editions for markets in which publishers never previously worked.  “IYellow Pages Industry Trying To Adaptn some cases this will lead to new print directories, but more often we expect to see publishers establishing a sales presence . . . with no intention of launching a print book,” wrote The Kelsey Group.

As for those budget-trimming measures, it seems possible that stacks of unwanted Yellow Pages will no longer greet us on the front walkway.  The Kelsey Group stated, “More publishers operating in large metro markets will proactively institute opt-out plans for consumers to reduce distribution to the ones who really want the print directory.”

That last idea is almost too bad – my workplace desk and computer monitor would be uncomfortably low to the ground if it weren’t for the boost given by seven such books.  Still, as the economy gets worse and budgets grow tighter, we may have to find other things to use as doorstops and levelers.

Tameka Kee notes that, all in all, The Kelsey Group “is pegging the falloff in usage of newspapers and print Yellow Pages to reach 10% this year – much higher than the 2%-3% fade rate seen in past years.”

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