Thursday, February 20, 2025

Yahoo Challenges Google On Analytics Front


Search engine marketers rely heavily on website metrics to determine what adjustments need to be made to advertising campaigns in order to increase time on site and conversion. Google has offered free analytical tools to webmasters for some time, but now site owners are starting to take notice of the new measurement tools contained within Yahoo’s Project Panama.

 Yahoo Challenges Google On Analytics Front

Yahoo Challenges Google On Analytics Front

 Yahoo Challenges Google On Analytics Front

With Google Analytics, webmasters are offered upwards of 82 distinct reports they can use to analyze just about every measurable metric under the sun. Conversely, Panama’s analytical software only offers 14 reports, but the company believes that these more adequately provide search engine marketers with the most relevant information to suit their requirements.

“Our Web analytics program was developed from the standpoint of someone trying to understand their Web site’s performance, whether that be a marketer or an IT person. But our Full Analytics program doesn’t show all of those reports. We have tailored the display to suit the specific needs of search engine marketers,” said Paul Apodaca Director of Program Management for Yahoo Search Marketing in a News Factor article.

Despite an 11 percent drop in quarterly revenue, Yahoo is continuing to position itself as a competitor to Google in all possible avenues. The company just announced a deal with PayPal that it hopes will lure in more advertisers, which was no doubt a response to Google’s efforts to use Checkout as a tool to lure in more AdWords partners.

Analytics brings the fight to a new front, but the underlying struggle for the almighty advertising dollar is the same.

Google Analytics is free for webmasters, but the full analytical tools contained within Panama are only available to those who spend more than $6,000 per year on search engine marketing.

So even if Yahoo’s product is superior, chances are good that price will become a major sticking point for most when making the decision on which software package to implement.

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