Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Write, Sell, Prosper from What You Know


You have as much right to post your article about “what you know” online at and as the other 74,000 (and growing) list of people who have already done so.

That’s right. If you go to one of the major search engines and type [articles about “what you know”] into the search box, 74,000 listings are available. Is yours? Why not?

As I visited some of the web sites I realized that the spectrum of information and experiences on any one topic is broader than I could ever envision. At one site “what you know” was converted into a technical matrix for higher education purposes. At another the slant was on encouraging children to express themselves. In between, there were many angles on “what you know” that gave me ideas that I can develop.

Why is your topic not listed? What do you know?

Haven’t you thought about how others don’t have a clue about something that comes second nature to you? (Yeah, I’ve gotten the “hey, stupid” look when I couldn’t explain where the knock in my car was coming from). So, tell me, in 10 simple steps, how to pinpoint the noise. Write it down, and make it available to a million other folk just like me. Don’t quit now. You’ve taken the most important step, the first one.

If you need inspiration to keep going, go to or and read some motivational writings to keep you going. But don’t stop.

What you know can be your ticket to financial success, improved self-esteem, and a more fulfilled life. You are creating something from scratch, pulling it from inside you. It’s a good feeling to see it come to fruition. When you experience it, your self-confidence will soar.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go to to get ideas about what you know in your profession.

Perhaps we could all learn from your life experiences. I have a girlfriend who has lived through, and survived, my worse nightmare. Her survival has shown me that my nightmare is unfounded; if she can survive it so can I. Another pulled herself up from poverty to become a successful entrepreneur and loving wife and mother. Your experience does not have to be as dramatic to be of value. Here is a site that provides free insights into writing about life experiences:

When you’ve settled on your “what you know” area of expertise, you’re almost there. The next step is to get help developing your theme. Here are some free resources:

Since the most acceptable articles are between 400-800 words, you may wish to write a series of articles to fully develop your topic.

There are many places on the Internet where you can submit your articles for millions to see and enjoy. All the resources that I have listed give examples of where and how to submit your articles. Type “places to submit articles” in the search engine box of major search engines and you’ll get even more.

Are you getting a glimpse of how you can get your name and expertise in front of millions of people? Good. You’ve come too far to turn back.

Reread the resources outlined above and this time look for information on developing ezines from your articles, and turning them into an ebook.

There are over 205,000 ebooks listed on the Internet about Internet Marketing. Many are free (including ebook Ideas). Two soup-to-nuts ebooks that cover the entire spectrum of activity from idea conception to marketing your idea-product are and

It’s time to get busy. After all, nothing will happen if you don’t set the wheels in motion. Start today.

I’ll see you on the Internet.

Joyce Coleman is the author of : “Personal Discovery: 3 Steps
to Rediscovery, Reclamation, and Moving On”. She has inspired
many to follow their dreams through her books, speaking, and
performances. Visit her site to sign up for her free Goldmine
e-course or free ebook of soul-food recipes.

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