Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Win Yourself A Link and a Coconut – Contest Linkbaiting


I just want to take a second and pass along one of the coolest linkbait ideas I’ve seen in a long time.

Erik Vossman of BlogtownPress contacted me today to inform me of a contest they were running to promote the launch of the BlogtownPress blogging network.

Erik pointed me to the Link to a Coconut’ contest. Here’s the deal: Erik has picked 3 random posts from the blogs in the BlogtownPress network. To enter, you may post links to any posts within the network, up to a maximum of 3 links per post of your own. When the contest finishes, Eric will pick a random trackback from each of the three BlogtownPress network posts to win.

The prizes for the contest are what make the contest unique – each winner recieves a coconut straight from Hawaii, where the BlogtownPress headquarters are located. The coconut will be shipped to the winners free of charge. Additionally, the winners will each recieve a link on Erik’s Blog.

This is a piece of unique linkbait – each entry in the contest will net 3 links to the network. This will build up a large number of links to the new blogs in relatively short order. Of course, the only way to make something like this really succeed is if the prizes are unique, and somewhat valuable. The link is not the motivation here – it’s all about the coconut. Who wouldn’t want their own custom coconut shipped to them from Hawaii?

Well, I guess I will play along on this one – I want that coconut. So, my three picks are:

1. Announcing Blogtown Press from Erik Vossman’s personal blog

2. 3 Kinds of Successful Bloggers from Blogging on Empty

3. An Inconvenient Truth from Fueling the World

So there you go – check out the contest yourself!


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