Saturday, December 14, 2024

Web 3.0 (the Semantic Web)


Innovation in making data relevant to the one or two words that we type into a search engine is Web 2.0. Adding to the plethora of data is the advent of social networking, Ajax; shared apps across the back end internet cloud, there are already frameworks that are proposed in making Web 3.0 and reputation 1.0 reliable in the greater context of the internet.

Using the RDF (Resource Description Framework) for the semantic web, and using the Connections I have at IT Toolbox, how we would build out an RDF for my connections would look something like this:

My Identity




rdf:Description rdf:about=””

terms:alternative Managing Information Security and Intellectual Property /terms:alternative

dc:title Dan Morrill /dc:title

dc:publisher ITToolbox /dc:publisher



foaf:name Dan Morrill /foaf:name





Now that I have described myself and my blog as unique related entities, I can make another RDF file that adds to the dimensionality of the semantic web by making a manifest of my friends.

My Friends Manifest

?xml version=”1.0″ ?
– RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF=””

– RDF:Description RDF:about=””

ITToolboxFriends4DanMorrill:name Dratz / ITToolboxFriends4DanMorrill:name


– RDF:Description RDF:about=””

ITToolboxFriends4DanMorrill:name Craig Borysowich / ITToolboxFriends4DanMorrill:name


And so on throughout the entire friendship chain, this file could be automatically updated as I add connections in my peerage group here at the site, and as I accept new connections. That would make us a smaller community within the larger community. The RDF descriptor would enable the reader to find linkages that I find interesting as related entries in a search on a keyword. These chains could go on forever, and could remain isolated within the community until we figure out how to chain or interlink the RDF frameworks for people across multiple web sites.

This can also be part of the persons RDF/XML manifest, my MySpace, my Smug mug account, my school writing, and the host of other places I go. I make the manifest and I create the interlinkages.

The interesting part would be orphan data, or RDF/XML manifests that are mostly illusionary or manufactured completely or in part.

Web 3.0 would then work with reputation 1.0 work with the RDF/XML person manifest to indicate where the person had additional records in the system.

The semantic web data that we include using the RDF framework and XML manifests for interlinkages of data collections will be the object that people will need to modify and use within both public and private data stores. Differences in manifests or multiple manifests per person will have to be rectified somehow.

This process will bring a richer Web 2.0, and a much richer experience when trying to find similar or like groups of data in a system or on the internet.

Note: Sorry about the look of the code set, finding out that code tags do not work here, so had to remove the <> charaters to make the code set show up as an example of what I was talking about.


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