Friday, September 20, 2024

Google Wave Invitations Roll Out

Update: It has been discovered that someone is selling an invite on eBay, with the price steadily rising (over five grand right now). I would be surprised if this doesn’t get shut down, and there’s no telling how many bids on here are legitimate anyway.

Original Article: Google is sending out over 100,000 preview invitations to developers who have been participating in the developer preview, the first users who signed up and offered feedback on, and select customers of Google Apps.

“Some of you have asked what we mean by preview,” says Google. “This just means that Google Wave isn’t quite ready for prime time. Not yet, anyway. Since first unveiling the project back in May, we’ve focused almost exclusively on scalability, stability, speed and usability. Yet, you will still experience the occasional downtime, a crash every now and then, part of the system being a bit sluggish and some of the user interface being, well, quirky.”

The company also says there are some key features that have yet to be fully implemented, such as removal of participants from waves, defining groups of users, and permissions configuration. These things will be rolled out in the coming months.

According to Google, over 27,000 developers have been prototyping with the Google Wave APIs since Google I/O where it was introduced. “Amazingly, these developers persevered, found work arounds, and advocated for new features when our APIs didn’t do what they needed,” says Google Wave Product Manager Stephanie Hannon.

Google is featuring a few extensions that are ready to use today. These include extensions for Sudoku puzzles, telephone conferencing, real-time video chat, maps, and weather forecasts.

Google Wave Extensions

Google tells sandbox developers that they will get Wave accounts tomorrow at They will get instructions for logging in from their sandbox accounts. They will also get invitations to bring on people they want to “wave” with. Below are some prototypes of extensions from SAP, Salesforce, and MediaWikiWave:

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