Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Verizon Invests $600,000 for Delaware


Verizon Delaware customers will soon have improved communications as the result of a more than $600,000 investment the company is making in two of its call-switching centers.

Verizon is installing new hardware and software in its Dover and Wilmington centers to increase the capacity of its ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) platform. ATM allows customers to transmit and receive large quantities of data quickly and reliably. Verizon expects to complete the expansion of its Delaware ATM platform in the first quarter of 2005.

“Because of Verizon’s investments in Delaware, an advanced broadband, fiber-optic network now serves every corner of the state from Rockland to Rehoboth,” said Joshua W. Martin III, president of Verizon Delaware. “The ability to build, enhance and maintain complex networks is at the very heart of our business. Verizon has played a key role in Delaware’s economic development for more than a century. We intend to be a part of Delaware’s telecommunications future in the 21st century and beyond.”

Martin said Verizon’s commitment to improve Delaware’s telecommunications infrastructure includes:

* Investment of nearly $600 million in the company’s Delaware network since 1995.

* A 21.6 percent increase in fiber deployment in the state — from 119,464 fiber miles in September 2002 to 145,276 at the end of September 2004.

* Deployment of nearly 400 SONET (synchronous optical network) rings in Verizon’s Delaware network. SONET rings provide multiple routes for high-speed voice and data services and are self-healing, automatically rerouting telecommunications transmissions in the event of a service disruption.

“Verizon is the only telecommunications company committed to significant investment in Delaware’s future,” Martin said. “Verizon’s Delaware network is open to residents and businesses as well as our competitors. We welcome competition in the local marketplace, and any company that sincerely wants to compete here can do so.”

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