Saturday, October 5, 2024

Upsell For Free

Well you got on the bandwagon, created a website filled with products yet, month after month the counter on your site looks like it died from lack of interest.

So what do you do? Climb up on your wagon again and start putting up road signs all over this internet highway to lead the customers to your site. Face it, you are sitting in a cul-de-sac and there will be no walk-in traffic. Even big business has this same problem. Why do you think they are spending the big bucks on TV to get their dot coms recognized?

Most marketers agree these road signs you put on the net should include something free. It’s a proven fact on the Internet that people do not buy the first time they visit your site. From experience you will learn, your visitor will download what you offer free and run. But do you care? Not in the least because you know you’ve got a secret weapon. For instance:

I am an Artist/Author/Sculptor with two websites. There are at least 150,000 to 1,000,0000 or more art and writer sites already on the Internet competing for a surfer’s attention. So how do I effectively compete? Easy, I go everywhere I can get free advertising and tell people about my free ebook.

At these free advertising sites, I give just enough information to entice people to click on my link which takes them to the specific free ebook and not to my home page. Why? Because their time is valuable and I don’t want to annoy them the first time they visit by making them wade through a bunch of pages to find my free book.

Next, I offer my free ebook as a download instead of requiring they read it online. Again, I’m being considerate of their time and/or the fact they might be paying by the minute for their Internet access.

Now here’s the good part. At the end of my free ebook, I include what I call UPSELL FOR FREE blurb. I just happen to mention why they might like to make a return visit to my site. Plus I tell the person if they liked what I wrote and feel someone else they know could use the information to please feel free to pass my free ebook on to them.

Thus I have accomplished three things:

The most important in my opinion, offered help to others on the Internet.

Used upsell to promote my products at the end of my free ebook and,

Enlisted the aid of the people requesting my booklet to help me in my marketing endeavors by sending my free ebook and my upsell message to even more people.

Remember, free is good, UPSELL FOR FREE is better.

Judith Tramayne-Barth’s site is which has free books, articles and link pages you’ll love. She also writes excellent “how-to” books.

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