Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ugg, Wii Obsess Holiday Searchers


The scarce Nintendo Wii ranked as the most searched-for item during the holidays, while Ugg boots drew the most luxury item queries.

Ugg, Wii Obsess Holiday Searchers Ugg, Wii Obsess Holiday Searchers

If and when the Wii game console begins to be produced in sufficient numbers, it will slip from the top of queries made on search engines, especially around the holidays.

For now, analysis firm Hitwise has determined the Wii has been the top item searchers wanted to find, through the week ended December 8th. Uggs and Ugg boots followed it in searcher interest, with the iPod and the Nintendo DS filling in the top five most sought items in search.

Uggs outpaced Coach among luxury items, while Barbie led Build A Bear and American Girl in toys. Searchers apparently committed the unpardonable sin of looking for “Legos” instead of “Lego bricks,” the toymaker’s preferred pronunciation of the building toy.

In electronics, everything else chased the Wii. Digital picture frames, Nintendo DS, and Xbox 360 pulled plenty of searcher attention as well.

“Special consoles designed for children are also popular this year, with increased searches for products like the Leapfrog Leapster TV system and the Radica IM Me Wireless Text Messaging device,” said Heather Dougherty, director of research at Hitwise.


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