Friday, February 7, 2025

Turn Your Blog into a Widget


I love it when developers come out with cool, fun stuff and what is more fun than a “widget.” I mean, even the name connotes fun.

No one can deny that the web is being widgetized. That is particularly true of blogs. Typepad has dozens of them, as does WordPress. I just found a site called Widgetbox that allows you to turn your blog into a widget using an easy 1-2-3 step wizard. The beauty of this idea is that it allows your content to be syndicated on other blogs.

Here’s how one person described Widgetbox’s service…

>Widgetbox creates a web widget marketplace that provides web service widgets for use with blogs, social networks, auctions and web pages. Widgetbox’s mission is to give everyone the power to assemble, share and integrate the best of the web. Widgetbox serves both the producers of widgets, including the largest, online distributors as well as individual developers, and the consumers of widgets.

Widgetbox widgets can even respond to blog posts and website content.

I’m even thinking about creating a page on this blog with nothing but these widgets of my favorite bloggers…the ones noted in my blogroll. A “widgetroll!”



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