Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Turn Spider Traps into Spider Food


Some web pages on your website may not be listed in the search engines, even when you have submitted your website for inclusion. This is because dynamic pages cause the spiders give up and go home.

A “spider” is a search engine robot that shows up and crawls all around your website in order to determine its value. A spider is basically deaf, dumb and blind. It uses a proprietary impersonal algorithm to do two things:

# It will read the content on your webpage to determine keyword saturation, density, consistency and frequency.

# It will follow the internal and external links from your site and determine the relevancy of these links in relationship to your content.

It is estimated that there are over 100 other factors that spider-bots are programmed to analyze. All of these factors may contribute to your ranking for any given keyword or keyword phrase.

A dynamic web page is generally one that serves content based on filling out a form of some kind. The key point here is that search engine spiders cannot find web pages that are dynamically created. There are no links for them to follow. An example of a dynamic page is a “search this site” field. The page that is served is dependent upon the content of the keyword typed in by your visitor.

A spider cannot follow the “search this site” form, nor can it keep track of the popular pages that your visitor may query.

Companies like Icon Interactive(tm) use proprietary technology to make sure that all of your dynamically generated web pages are spidered and archived by the search engines. This technology allows you to keep track of the most popular dynamically generated pages and assures submission of these pages to the search engines.

If somebody comes to your website and uses your “search this site” form, whatever page they end up clicking will be added to a list of links to be submitted to the search engines. This list is transformed into a webpage and is automatically added to your website.

When the spider visits your website next time, instead of getting trapped in your dynamic page, it will include the links that people have been choosing. This makes sure that your deeper, more obscure pages are automatically spider food.

Perhaps even more importantly this system will serve as a simple clickstream function. You will be able to find out the exact pathway a visitor uses to arrive on certain pages of your website from a dynamic page. This is not possible with most website statistic software.

Icon Interactive(tm) is an industry leader helping companies imagine,
implement and reinvent their online strategy. Having worked with
clients of all sizes, from San Francisco to New York, Icon
Interactive(tm) has the expertise to bring the precise blend of strategy,
design, brand knowledge, and technology to every project. To learn
more about Icon Interactive(tm), Visit www.IconInteractive.com

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