Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Toolup.com Peer Review – Reorganize Navigation


Sorry, but your navigation drove me nuts.

On the home page it had a list of categories on the left. I certainly would re-order that list as there appeared to be no logical method to its order. Worse, if you clicked on any of the links, you lost the main category navigation bar altogether, and simply had a smaller version related to the page you went to. Indeed, I found I always had to return to the home page to get somewhere else when using this left bar.

On the main page there was a second navigation system: Sponsored Manufacturers, Tool Sales, ICBO & MSDS, and About Toolup. But that’s the only place that appears. Upon going to one *those* pages, that main category navigation system I previously mentioned still appears. But, again, click on one of *those* links and suddenly you have to either use the Back button or go to the Home page.

On every page there was a third navigation system. Shopping Cart, New Account, Logon, Sales, Tips, About Us. The pages these links take you to also use the main category navigation bar, with its same problems.

Whew!!! Three different navigation systems.

Someone at your website should be able to maneuver within your website without having to go home or back or to click on non-intuitive links to do so.

If I were re-ordering your main category navigation, I would put like things together, perhaps under top level categories. For example, clearance, hot list, package deals could go under a category called Specials. You have Safety Equipment, Concrete Tools, Conduit Benders Greenlee, and Cordless Tools as separate navigation links…then, way down at the bottom, a link called Tools…after Links, Manufacturers, and Testimonials. If I weren’t looking at the site to provide some feedback, I wouldn’t have even noticed it, because I woud have stopped reading at those “who cares” links in front of it.

What’s worse…when I got there, all I saw was a ton of text. How boring. My monitor is set at 800 x 600 and I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING other than text on my screen. I almost hit the back button, thinking ‘this was a worthless page’.

But I scrolled down because I was reviewing the site.

Lo and behold, when I got there, it was a treasure trove! All these wonderful power tools categories. I had great fun checking them out.

One thing, though, have the prices appear with the items at the top level of these categories (e.g. Home->Tools->Tool+Kits ). You’ve got ‘buy now” buttons with no prices. The consumer has to click one more time to find out the price. Boo hiss 🙂 And fix the navigation here, too.

By the way, I liked the search engine results. They not only brought up products, but matching categories so I could go to the category I prefered. Nifty.

Best regards,
Kendall Simmons, Coordinator, Computer Services
Independence, Inc.

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