Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tony Blair Victim Of Liar Link Bomb


Because search engines place a large amount of value on contextual links, executing a link bomb isn’t necessarily hard, you just have to have enough people involved to make a dent.

For those who may not be aware, a link bomb is the practice of associating a site or a person with a specific word, through the use of links, so when that specific word is searched, the person the link bomb targeted receives high search rankings for that word.

The following are two examples of link bombs and the names associated with them:

Google+Search”>Miserable Failure – George W. Bush
Waffles – John Kerry

In these cases, a search for the term “Google+Search”>Miserable Failure” (w/out quotations) finds George W. Bush’s biography site in the first position. When the miserable failure link bomb was carried out, those who support the current administration thought it would be fitting if John Kerry had a negative keyword associated with his name. Their response was to associate the word “Google+Search”>waffles” with the then Democratic nominee. This link bomb also succeeded.

But link bombs aren’t just aiming at Presidential hopeful’s either. A new bomb targeting Tony Blair has been reported and this particular campaign is trying to associate the UK Prime Minister with the word “liar”. So far, the link bomb has been successful when you search the term “Google+Search&meta=”>liar” using Google UK. Although, when using the US version of Google, a search for the same term finds Tony Blair’s biography site holding the fifth position.

Apparently, the link bombers still have some work to do in the United States in their attempt to position PM Blair at the top spot.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest search news.

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