Saturday, December 14, 2024

Things a Lot of SEOs are Missing


Bruce Clay, who has been in the search engine optimization game since 1996 (before Google), sat down with Murdok to discuss how the search industry has evolved over the years. Discuss search industry changes with Murdok readers.

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Things Clay mentions as good ways to keep up with search industry changes include:

– Training
– Attending Conferences
– Reading the right blogs
– Following Matt Cutts and reading all the stuff he’s ever written
– Paying attention to the videos

“If you listen to experts and follow experts’ advice, you’re probably going to do much better than if you read a forum, and it’s misleading, and you think you understand, but don’t quite,” he says.

Among other things, Clay talks about some elements a lot of SEOs are missing, and should be paying attention to. Watch the above clip.

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