Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Training and Certification Guarantees

Will training in a good training institution get me IT certified? All I want is a school that will give me certification guarantees.

What training and certification guarantees can the school give me?


Fulfillment is a function of expectations. As you invest and build your IT career, get your expectations right. Don’t invest based on unrealistic expectations.

Certification success isn’t dependent on training alone. If training is a route you have chosen, it should be part of your high quality preparation effort. Training is a major part of exam preparation, but achieving certification isn’t dependent on any one tool. It depends on the quality of all aspects of your preparation. As you attend training classes are you also investing in other aspects of certification such as reading and practicing?

High Quality Effort

Furthermore, training quality isn’t a one-way street. Training quality depends on you and the training institution. There are no guarantees. Results will only come from high quality effort from both parties. The training school must have the infrastructure and facilitator that will deliver. A competent training school with a good grasp of the certification will impart what it considers to be the right combination of theory and hands-on exercises.

Choosing a reputable training company is therefore important. Though infrastructure is important at training centers, as mentioned earlier a lot however depends on instructor support and quality, as well as the institution’s professional focus. Reputable training organizations have first-class instructors who can deliver knowledge in a way that makes sense to students. Good facilitators are able to relate what is being taught in class with practical, everyday activities. Sound training institutions are learner centred and results-driven.

Who is Teachable?

However, even if your training school is world class, your input is critical. The hard truth about training is that results are conditional. Training won’t work without the right attitude and motivation on your part. Nobody can learn for you. You need to be teachable. Are you teachable or just going through the motions. Are you learning or masquerading as a learner? The training institution is excellent, but are you teachable? The best training school cannot learn for you. Do you know what it means to be teachable?

Being teachable means being strong in the areas that matter – before, during and after the training. Do you display humility in class and in your interactions with fellow students and the instructor? Do you have an enquiring mind? You must have the desire to learn. How hungry are you for knowledge and wisdom?

Learning can be tough and stressful. How ready are you to make sacrifices? Showing up at the training school everyday isn’t enough. Are you sufficiently motivated to make the effort? How seriously do you take assignments and practice? You must possess the drive and motivation to achieve and advance. This requires commitment plus effort.

Being teachable means ignoring distractions and focusing on what you are learning. How wisely are you investing your time? Do you focus on the main issues or are you more interested in flashy gimmicks and where you can hang out? Make sure your focus is on substance, because the right focus leads to achievement and fulfillment.

Do you admit your mistakes or shortcomings? You can’t change what you don’t accept. Everybody makes mistakes. If you don’t admit your mistakes, you can’t learn from them. In the words of Denis Waitley, “There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons. ”

Right effort

What does training guarantee without the right effort on your part? What training gives you depends on how teachable you are. In the right environment, your effort is your guarantee. For example, before you started the class, what did your preliminary preparation entail? How much background information do you have on the training or certification? I’m always amazed when people register for a course without even reviewing the course objectives.

Being teachable means recognizing that no training program can teach you everything. Training and certification prepare you for opportunity. Guarantees shouldn’t be your focus. Lifelong learning is your responsibility. There are no guarantees. Step outside your comfort zone and take calculated risks.

The purpose of Training

At the end of the day, certification isn’t the sole purpose of training and other preparation resources mentioned previously. You aren’t investing in certification for the sake of certification. Keep perspective. Your career is more than cramming for the “latest and hottest” certification. If you cram and pass an exam, you have the certification, but be honest, what really do you have? Certification can’t give you what you don’t have.

Training is important, certification is important, but what are putting into your learning network? Are you only certificate focused? Do the group exercises help in building your personal network or is the certificate your sole interest? Is the training giving you ideas on how you can contribute and solve problems? Will the training improve the quality of your work experience? Are you opening your mind creatively to other career opportunities as you learn? Is the course helping in honing your learning ability? Are you using the program to improve your soft skills?

Do you want to grow, do you want achieve, do you want to make a difference or is the certificate your only goal? Drop that certificate mentality! Certification is of no value without a career focus. Certification or not, can you make progress if you’re not teachable? Being teachable means making the most in terms of career impact from your learning investment.

What you put in is What you get out

Relying solely on technical skills and amassing multiple certifications for your career growth is wasteful. Pass your exams, get certified, but never forget that the aim of training is deeper than certification. What you put into the classroom will determine what you’ll get out of the experience. “Most people only find what they are looking for.” It’s not just about the certificate. The aim of training is career achievement and fulfillment. With the right career focus, you are not fixated on training and certification. Therefore as you learn, you should be able to distinguish between what you must master to pass exams, what you can use in the industry and what you will need in future. Understand such differences. Being teachable improves your chances of passing the exam and also helps you in developing important work/industry skills and knowledge.

Know how and Know why

Getting results in IT varies from person to person. Building an IT career requires a working combination of creative effort, attitude and career focus. Before you invest in training, I strongly advise that you get expectations right. Don’t invest if it all seems hazy to you. Instead ask questions, listen to instructors, talk to students and attend seminars such as the FREE IT Career seminar ( that treat such issues.

I hope you find this useful and wish you the best in your IT Career.


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Jide Awe is the Founder/CEO of (

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