Saturday, October 5, 2024

The 3 Secret Keys To Knowing If Your Idea Has The Potential Of Becoming Wildly Successful!

There’s no question that a powerful idea has the potential to bring success to you and your business, but how do you know if your article, product, or ad copy concept will become successful?

Well, below are the three keys that must be a part of any idea before you spend your valuable time and energy working on it.

1. An audience must desire it! – Any successful idea needs a target group of customers who not only want it, but also DESIRE it because the idea addresses a deep problem and/or frustration.

So, when you look at your idea, you must ask:

“Does this idea help alleviate or address a deep problem or frustration?”

“Will my target group of customers react positively to my idea?”

“Will my idea create EXCITEMENT in my target audience?”

Once your idea solves these questions, it is time to move on to the next key:

2. It must have a unique interest in it! – If your idea is for a new killer product, this is known as your Unique Selling Position (what sets you apart from your competitors).

But, for your articles and ad copy, they must also have something that separates them from competitors. I like to call this a unique interest. A unique interest is something that draws the reader in and makes him want to stay and listen to everything you have to say.

You can create a unique interest by using something intriguing from the news, with a riveting story, or just talk about something that your readers will find value in.

Just be sure that the news story is interesting and not related to anything that could cause tempers to rise, like politics or a controversial subject.

After you have found the unique part of your idea, you must consider the third key:

3. You must be passionate about it! – This key is probably the most often overlooked, but it is also the most important.

The reason this step is so important is that if your energy and mind are not enthusiastic about an idea, it is either not going to be completed, or you are not going to put in the extra effort that is required to push your idea over the line that determines success!

All rights reserved – Hans Klein

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