Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Goldmine is in YOUR Brain


Given today’s unstable economy, the unveiling of corporate shenanigans, shrinking paychecks, job layoffs, and false prophets who promise get-rich-quick schemes with every click of the computer mouse, it’s no small wonder that our heads are spinning like a child’s toy. Each of us copes the best we know how. We feel so… vulnerable. Blood pressures rise, tempers flare. Under these conditions, the house cannot be a happy home.

Now, we can’t personally fix the national or global economy. Most of us don’t sit at the boardroom of a fortune 500 company. (That may be a good thing). When the axe falls at our job with the BIG Company, we don’t get to tell the boss who stays or who goes. When we try to tell the powers-that-be that there is a far more efficient and effective way to do business, well – it’ll probably be our head that rolls. The axe, again.

Nobody actually believes the get-rich quick malarkey perpetuated in so many Internet “business opportunities”. Folks, reality is exactly what you are thinking every time you see an Internet-business-based ad that says, “I made $10M last night. You can do the same.” We know better. But desperate time calls for desperate measures. We try it, and are yet again disappointed when it doesn’t pan out. Don’t get me wrong. Some of these opportunities are fantastic. Amazing! The product has real value and does exactly what it says it does. It is a pleasure to help promote these products. Too bad our culture almost demands outrageous hype that we all give a wink and a nod. The truth, in many instances, would do nicely, thank you.

What, then, are we to do? Exist in a fog of confusion just waiting for the dreaded axe? Or, why not take charge right now, while some sort of cushion is still in place. The objective of this article is to help you devise an action plan that will ultimately lead to your personal, mental, and financial well being. That’s right! Not overnight, but the old-fashioned way – you will EARN it. No, no, wait a minute. Please don’t be miffed because I don’t promise riches if you click your heals three times and say the magic chant. This is far better, and much more long lasting.

I’m talking about old-fashioned values, coupled with 21st century tools. How, you ask? By sticking to a universal truth, and marrying that truth to modern technology. (Although technology changes at warp speed these days). Find the goldmine in your own brain – your own special skill or information that is uniquely yours. Explore it until it is crisply defined. Wrap words around it that clearly identify how it will benefit a whole ton of people, and offer it as your gift to them. In exchange for a fair market value in the currency of your choice, of course.

We all have pain, wants, needs, desires. Find that special thing you have that eases our pain, makes us feel pretty, makes us rich (eases the pain of being poor), or turns us into a beauty icon. Absent that impossible list of tasks, find that special thing (information, product, service) you have that will help a large number of people see the light, find peace within, make some serious money, or navigate tricky and unsettled waters in a particular area. That’s really what makes the world go round. It’s not the building of the Taj Mahal, or discovering another galaxy. It’s about improving the lives of everyday people. Its about helping us improve our financial health and personal wealth – how to earn more money and save more of the money we earn. It’s about helping us improve our golf swing, or cook a world-class meal in 5 easy steps. The list of opportunities is endless. It simply does not realistically include making $10M overnight unless the scenario involves a Brinks truck.

The very first step you can take right now. Decide to step off the merry-go-round long enough to be reflective. This is Step I. I call it Rediscovery and Reclamation. In the Rediscovery and Reclamation step, you explore selective past experiences to isolate those things you have proven to be darn good at, and were passionate about. Make a list of them. See what I mean? You’re on your way to finding and reclaiming your personal gold mine. This one is not susceptible to other’s whims. All it needs is to be of value to a large segment of the world population. On to the next step.

Step II is Reflection and Preparation Have you noticed that most get-rich-quick schemes tell you that all you have to do is buy the book or the thingamajig, and presto! You’re rich the next day or so. Baloney. Even if you buy a turnkey system, you will spend time understanding how it works, and setting yourself up to manage it. If you don’t, you won’t have it for long. Some opportunist will gladly take it off your nave hands.

You must explore and explode your experience and recollections about your skill. Take the first item from your list and start freely associating words that help describe everything you can remember about it. I use a technique sometimes called mind-mapping, idea clustering, or simply free-association. In all cases, you must start with a core idea, and connect each associated word, forming a series of word chains. During the process you should discover how you learned or honed your skill, what you would do differently if you had a chance to do it all over, how technology could impact the experience, etc. Capture all the details. These are the nuggets that make up your goldmine.

Now, based on your experience and research, what group of people could really use your ideas? Where are they? They need to be accessible on the Internet because that’s the only place you can find them cheaply and stealthily, while you hone your break-away plan. There really are a number of logical places to look, and find them.

Step III. I call this step Moving On. It is putting your goldmine into action – assembling your plan. In this phase, you package and offer your special information using today’s technology. Ebooks are the latest craze, and making them gets easier every day. If you’ve got a computer, you can make an ebook. Your ebook is going to be unique, because no one else on the planet has had your exact experiences that include how you perceived and handled each situation within your area of specialty! This is uniquely yours. However, you must SELL your goldmine (product or service) to its target audience unless you just want it to lay dormant in its electronic cocoon. This part can be a lot of fun because it takes you in so many exciting directions.

You will save yourself and your family considerable heartache and hard times when you discover and launch your goldmine before the axe falls on your day job. Take action today. Before you know it, we will be learning from the goldmine in YOUR brain.

Joyce Coleman is the author of : “Personal Discovery: 3 Steps
to Rediscovery, Reclamation, and Moving On”. She has inspired
many to follow their dreams through her books, speaking, and
performances. Visit her site to sign up for her free Goldmine
e-course or free ebook of soul-food recipes.

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