Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Art Of Keyword Research


Finding the right keywords to use leads to good SEO. At SMX Advanced session “Keyword Research Artistry” the panel offered tips on effectively leveraging keywords.

Coverage of SMX Advanced continues at Murdok Videos. Stay with Murdok for more updates and videos from the event this week.

Christine Churchill

Christine Churchill, President, KeyRelevance, said site search needs to be added to any site to help with keyword research. Tie in site search to Google Analytics.

“The economy has dramatically changed the online keyword space,” said Churchill.

Churchill recommended the following keyword trend tools:

    Google Trends
    Google Insights (this tool goes below the fold)
    Google Hot Trends – reflects what keywords are searched on a specific day
    Yahoo Buzz – great brainstorming tool
    Facebook Lexicon

“I don’t use one particular tool, but it depends on what stage of the keyword process I’m in,” said Churchill.

Twitter Keyword Tools

Not a lot of tools yet but she predicts there will be more in the future.

    Twitter Search – provides real time search results and trending topics
    Twitscoop – shows trending topics in real time
    TweetVolume – allows head to head comparisons
    siteVolume – looks at 5 different social media sites and visually tracks how often words appear in each site.

Other Twitter tools:


Wikipedia Tools:

    Wikirank – shows popular trends on Wikipedia
    Wikipedia Article Stats
    EyePlorer – visual

“Don’t use tools in isolation.” Use them in way that you get the best benefits.


    Look beyond basic tools
    Look for trends in keyword usage, because much has changed in the past year

    Gab Goldberg, Owner, SEO ROI Services, said to find user-generated content sites with deep content.


    SEOmoz’s Term Extractor Tool

The “hidden market” for keywords:


Go directly to bloggers, indirect competitors, and nonprofits and bargain or trade. Some people give away data just look at what’s popular.

Taylor Pratt, Search Marketing Specialist, nFusion, said “You are not alone in keyword research.” Many companies are doing it as well.

  1. Start with right ingredients
    Search volume
  2. Use right cookware
    Ravem SEO Tools
    Google Adwords Tool
    Google Suggest
  3. Check the Oven: Analytics
    Long tail organic and paid keywords
    Internal search
    Top content
  4. Who’s at the table?
    Yahoo! Answers
    Facebook Groups
    Product reviews
    (all these give first-hand information)
  5. Kitchen Help: Customers and Employees
    Customer service employees
    Administrative employees
    Contact us forms
    Tech support
    User tests
    “Don’t overlook the people that deal directly with the customers.”
  6. Did it taste all right?
    PPC testing: conversions, micro conversions, bounce rates, time on site, and page views

Murdok anchor/reporter Abby Johnson contributed to this report.

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